Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Fathers Day 2017

   Even though I am separated by many miles from my daughters and wife.  I am so thankful and overflowing with there love for me and my love for them.  A lot of weird BS has my family separated but our love is just as strong as it was the first day that I gazed into my wife to be eyes.  She is so magnificent and beautiful and crafted just for me by our Lord and Savior.  We have had six children together and this year I am separated from my family for reasons that are almost to lengthy to talk about here....maybe I will make another page just for that story.
   So the other day I got the opportunity to see my wife for a few fleeting moments and we exchanged things together.  First I handed her my bag of dirty clothes and she handed me a bag with the various items or gifts for me from my children this father's day.  I wanted to see them in the privacy of my motel room so I just shoved the bag she gave me into my bookbag that I seem to always carry with me everywhere lately, knowing that I would be able to check out the contents like a child wants to do on Christmas morn.
   Only I didn't want to open the bag...funny huh...I really didn't cuz as long at the contents of the bag remained a mystery the secret love from my girls would always be full and unknown and in a weird way I kindof like that feeling.  But alas today I grabbed my bookbag and the unveiling had to happen.  The various photos included with this blog are the mystery items my children got me for Father's Day 2017.  And....like I knew it would, turned me into a blubbering fool, crying and carrying on in a way that is so pleasant as a father.  I was just going to post on facebook like everyone else did, but my girls deserve a little something better because of my love for them.  I can't buy them fancy material possessions or even see them when I want to or when they want to, but I can write a wonderful blog expressing my love and thankfulness for all my father's day treasures.
Of course I will post a link on facebook bringing people to this blog but that is my way of hopefully letting everyone know how much I love my children and wife and can't wait till we are back together.
Thank you so much girls for the wonderful gifts you have given me and even if you didn't get me a thing....you are my favorite gift...I LOVE YOU so much.  I can't express how much I miss you and long to be with you in the near future.  Hold tight and know that daddy is doing everything he can to be there for you. Again I love you girls (and my wife) and thank you for being a part of my life.
God bless you all and all that read these words.