Sunday, May 5, 2019

Dr. Benjamin Rush's The Saw Prostate Health Supplements

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     If you are young, under 40 then you may want to skip this particular blog.  You can, but you really should take the couple of minutes to help yourself with some great information that may in your elder years (lol), help you out.

The Actual Supplements
     Unfortunately as a male as you get older your prostate can sometimes need a bit of a boost in health to help it run efficiently.  For some males over 40 it is just a thing that will happen.  And with it there will be many nights of lost sleep due to frequent bathroom trips.   If you are lucky enough not to lose sleep this might be great, but you may be having other issues such as not being able to play the back 9 on the golf course without running to the club house.  Maybe you will be the type that gets nervous about road trips that are more than a half an hour long.  However your prostate negatively affects you doesn't have to be a thing that you are stuck with.  Sometimes your prostate just needs a boost to help it with its healthy functioning.
Supplemental Facts
     That is where Dr. Benjamin Rush and his supplements comes in to help save the day.  OK, maybe not save the day, but help you get through it without as much worry about issues your prostate have been giving you.  The Saw Extra Strength capsules are packed with over 30 herbs, whole foods, & vitamins to promote maximum prostate health.  It is called the saw, that is not just a clever name just because it "cuts" out the frequent bathroom trips, it is because it contains Saw Palmetto as well as Beta-Sitosterol complex.  Saw Palmetto is a tree and its ripe fruit is used in making some medicines.  Saw Palmetto is most commonly used for decreasing symptom of an enlarged prostate called benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH).  The Beta-Sitosterol which is found in plants; mainly vegetables, nuts, seeds, is used to make medicines that are used for helping BPH as well as many other conditions such as high cholesterol, color cancer, gallstones, and heart disease just to name a few.  A nice thing to note is that even though this is being marketed as an item for males over 40, the Beta-Sitosterol is sometime used by women to help with issues during menopause.
This particular bottle of The Saw contain 90 capsules which is a one month supply as it is recommended that you take 3 a day preferably with meals.
If you would like to see more information about this great supplement and find out if it is right for you then take a minute and check out this link: Dr. Benjamin Rush's The Saw
See My Video Review Here:

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